Wednesday 22 July 2009

Social networking tools are the way forward

Ok, let's start this blog with my current focus, using social networking tools for learning.

I am currently investigating these tools to see how they can be used for learning in the workplace. I am certain that this will need to be a sales job but that is Ok as the more I dig, the more apparent that this is the way forward. In a small company with international offices, I don't have the budget nor the inclination to be on a plane regularly to train people face to face. It isn't efficient nor effective with a workforce that are stretched and under pressure and thus with little time to attend formal training.

In fact, research seems to show that most people learn (circa 70%) via knowledge sharing on the job. Informal, practical, quick and dirty. But effective. Generation Y is expecting to do this and already do this. The technology is there so we need to grab it.

Our induction programme is a classic example. Currently we deliver it quarterly to a small group of new starters. It consists of a few hours of presentations about different aspects of the business by some of our key leaders. Yes, we basically AT people for 3 hours or so. Not great. Yeah there is a lunch at the end of it but feedback indicates that although the information is interesting, some would prefer this after they had been on the job for a while, others find it all too much to take in.

So, I think this needs to be completely online, in small bite-size pieces that people can access in their own time. I spent time talking to Phil Watten of WattenEarth this morning about how he can help me do this through video clips, interviews, key information completely online and accessable through the intranet. We shall see how it goes...

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